Wednesday, May 13, 2009


"Fundamentalist movements use the fear and prejudice of each other to sustain themselves" - Anonymous.....
The extreme right of the Hinudu fundamentalism needs the hardcore fundamentalists on the muslim side to create an environment of hatred and fear among the moderate Hindus and get their allegiance to their cause.. Cow slaughter is one of the examples...In the moderate sufi version of Islam which persisted during the Mughal times, with exceptions cow slaughter was banned so as not to hurt Hindu sentiments and this not being core to Islam practices.. But the hardline ulemas in cases had advocated cow slaughter as probably the issue on which they want to test the identity problem. The Hindu rightist party took up this issue to get the moderate Hindu in their fold by creating the environment where the whole of Islam has to be resisted to protect Hindu beliefs.... Similar examples can be found on the other side.
Another way the fundamentalists thrive is re-writing history. History is a funny business since by nature, it has lots of ambugities which with the help of some imaginations and lying can be interpreted to suit their agenda. Here history includes what is written in holy books and the books of foresight as they are called. The interpretation of scriptures written hundreds of years ago is a very subjective process. The fundamentalists usually take this route to create a place in the larger scheme of history and hence able to demand legitimacy among both the hardliners and the moderates who are their targets..

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